In the recent years, we have seen lots of fuzz about the return of “Going native” after the managed era popularized by Java and .NET. When WinRT was revealed last year, there was some shortsighted comments to claim that “.NET is dead” and to glorify the comeback of the C++, the true and only real way to develop an application, while at the same time, JIT was being more and more introduced in the scripted world (JavaScript being one of the most prominent JIT user). While in the end, everything is going native anyway - the difference being the length of the path to go native and how much optimized it will be - the meaning of the “native” word has slightly shifted to be strongly and implicitly coupled with the word “performance”. Even being a strong advocator for managed language, the performance level is indeed below a well written C++ application, so should we just accept this fact and get back to work with C++, with things like WinRT being the backbone of the interop? To tell you the truth, I want .NET to die and this post is about why and for what.
The Managed Era
Let’s just begin by revisiting recent history of managed development that will highlight current challenges. Remember the Java slogan? “write once runs everywhere”, it was the introduction of a paradigm where a complete “safe” single language-stack based on a virtual machine associated with a large set of API would allow to easily develop an application and target any kind of platforms/OS. It was the beginning of the “managed” era. While Java has been quite successfully adopted in several development industries, it was also quite rejected by lots of developers that were aware of memory management caveats and the JIT not being as optimized as it should be (though they did some impressive improvements over the years) with also a tremendous amount of bad design choice, like the lack of native struct, unsafe access or the route to go native through JNI extremely laborious and inefficient (and even
recently, that they were considering to get rid off all native types and make everything an object, what a terrible direction!).