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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Implementing an unmanaged C++ interface callback in C#/.Net

Ever wanted to implement a C++ interface callback in a managed C# application? Well, although that's not so hard, this is a solution that you will probably hardly find over the Internet... the most common answer you will get is that it's not possible to do it or you should use C++/CLI in order to achieve it...  In fact, in C#, you can only implement a C function delegate through the use of Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate but you won't find anything like Marshal.GetInterfacePointerFromInterface. You may wonder why do I need such a thing?

In my previous post about implementing a new DirectX fully managed API, I forgot to mention the case of interfaces callbacks. There are not so many cases in Direct3D 11 API where you need to implement a callback. You will more likely find more use-cases in audio APIs like XAudio2, but in Direct3D 11, afaik, you will only find 3 interfaces that are used for callback:
  • ID3DInclude which is used by D3DCompiler API in order to provide a callback for includes while using preprocessor or compiler API (see for example D3DCompile).
  • ID3DX11DataLoader and ID3DX11DataProcessor, which are used by some D3DX functions in order to perform asynchronous loading/processing of texture resources. The nice thing about C# is that those interfaces are useless, as it is much easier and trivial to directly implement them in C# instead
So I'm going to take the example of ID3DInclude, and how It has been successfully implemented for the SharpDX.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

High performance memcpy gotchas in C#

(Edit 8 Jan 2011: Update protocol test with Buffer.BlockCopy)
(Edit 11 Oct 2012: Please vote for the x86 cpblk deficiency on Microsoft Connect)
Following my last post about an interesting use of the "cpblk" IL instruction as an unmanaged memcpy replacement, I have to admit that I didn't take the time to carefully verify that performance is actually better. Well, I was probably too optimistic... so I have made some tests and the results are very surprising and not expected to be like these...

The memcpy protocol test in C#

When dealing with 3D calculations, large buffers of textures, audio synthesizing or whatever requires a memcpy and interaction with unmanaged world, you will most notably end up with a call to an unmanaged functions like this one:

[DllImport("msvcrt.dll", EntryPoint = "memcpy", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static unsafe extern void* CopyMemory(void* dest, void* src, ulong count);

In this test, I'm going to compare this implementation with 4 challengers :
  • The cpblk IL instruction
  • A handmade memcpy function
  • Array.Copy, although It's not relevant because they don't have the same scope. Array.Copy is managed only for arrays only while memcpy is used to copy portion of datas between managed-unmanaged as well as unmanaged-unmanaged memory.
  • Marshal.Copy, same as Array.Copy
  • Buffer.BlockCopy, which is working on managed array but is working with a byte size block copy.
The test is performing a series of memcpy with different size of block : from 4 bytes to 2Mo. The interesting part is to run this test on a x86 and x64 mode. Both tests are running on the same Windows 7 OS x64, same machine Intel Core I5 750 (2.66Ghz). The CLR used for this is the Runtime v4.0.30319.

The naive handmade memcpy is nothing more than this code (not to be the best implem ever but at least safe for any kind of buffer size):

static unsafe void CustomCopy(void * dest, void* src, int count)
    int block;

    block = count >> 3;

    long* pDest = (long*)dest;
    long* pSrc = (long*)src;

    for (int i = 0; i < block; i++)
        *pDest = *pSrc; pDest++; pSrc++;
    dest = pDest;
    src = pSrc;
    count = count - (block << 3);

    if (count > 0)
        byte* pDestB = (byte*) dest;
        byte* pSrcB = (byte*) src;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            *pDestB = *pSrcB; pDestB++; pSrcB++;


For the x86 architecture, results are expressed as a throughput in Mo/s - higher is better, blocksize is in bytes :

BlockSize x86-cpblk x86-memcpy x86-CustomCopy x86-Array.Copy x86-Marshal.Copy x86-BlockCopy
4 146 458 470 85 81 150
8 294 843 1122 168 167 298
16 587 1628 1904 306 327 577
32 950 1876 3184 631 558 1079
64 1451 3316 4295 1205 1059 1981
128 2245 5161 4848 2176 1933 3386
256 4353 7032 5333 3699 3386 5333
512 8205 13617 5517 5663 6666 7441
1024 13617 20000 6666 7710 12075 9275
2048 18823 24615 7191 9142 16842 9552
4096 2922 7529 5663 10491 7032 11034
8192 2990 7804 5714 11228 7441 11636
16384 2857 7901 5614 9142 7619 10322
32768 2379 6736 5333 8101 6666 8205
65536 2379 6808 5470 8205 6808 8205
131072 2509 17777 5818 8101 17777 8101
262144 2500 11636 5423 7032 11428 7111
524288 2539 11428 5423 7111 11428 7111
1048576 2539 11428 5470 7032 11428 7111
2097152 2529 11428 5333 7032 11034 6881

For the x64 architecture:

BlockSize2 x64-cpblk x64-memcpy x64-CustomCopy x64-Array.Copy x64-Marshal.Copy x64-BlockCopy
4 583 346 599 99 111 219
8 1509 770 1876 212 224 469
16 2689 1451 3316 417 422 903
32 4705 2666 5000 802 864 1739
64 8205 4812 7272 1568 1748 3350
128 13333 8101 9014 3004 3184 6037
256 18823 11428 10000 5470 5245 8648
512 22068 16000 10491 9014 9552 13913
1024 22857 19393 7356 13333 13617 16842
2048 23703 21333 7710 17297 17777 20645
4096 23703 22068 7804 19393 20000 21333
8192 23703 22857 7619 22068 22068 22857
16384 23703 22857 7804 17297 21333 18285
32768 16410 16410 7710 12800 16000 12800
65536 13061 14883 7710 13061 14545 13061
131072 14222 13913 7710 12800 13617 12800
262144 5000 5039 7032 7901 5000 7804
524288 5079 5000 7356 8205 5079 7804
1048576 4885 4885 7272 7441 4671 7529
2097152 5039 5079 7272 7619 5000 7710

Graph comparison only for cpblk, memcpy and CustomCopy:

Don't be afraid about the performance drop for most of the implem... It's mostly due to cache missing  and copying around different 4k pages.


Don't trust your .NET VM, check your code on both x86 and x64. It's interesting to see how much the same task is implemented differently inside the CLR (see Marshal.Copy vs  Array.Copy vs Buffer.Copy)

The most surprising result here is the poor performance of cpblk IL instruction in x86 mode compare to the best one in x64 which is... cpblk. So to summarize:
  • On x86, you should better use a memcpy function
  • On x64, you should better use a cpblk function, which is performing better from small size (twice faster than memcpy) to large size.
You may wonder why the x86 version is so unoptimized? This is because the x86 CLR is generating a x86 instruction that is performing a memcpy on a PER BYTE basis (rep movb for x86 folks), even if you are moving a large memory chunk of 1Mo! In comparison, a memcpy as implemented in MSVCRT is able to use SSE instructions that are able to batch copy with large 128 bits  registers (with also an optimized case for not poluting CPU cache). This is the case for x64 that seems to use a correct implemented memcpy, but the x86 CLR memcpy is just poorly implemented. Please vote for this bug described on Microsoft Connect.

One important consequence of this is when you are developping a C++/CLI and calling a memcpy from a managed function... It will end up in a cpblk copy functions... which is almost the worst case on x86 platforms... so be careful if you are dealing with this kind of issue. To avoir this, you have to force the compiler to use the function from the MSVCRTxx.dll.

Of course, the memcpy is platform dependent, which would not be an option for all...

Also, I didn't perform this test on a CLR 2 runtime... we could be surprised as well... There is also one thing that I should try against a pure C++ memcpy using the optimized SSE2 version that is shipped with later msvcrt.

You can download the VS2010 project from here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A new managed .NET/C# Direct3D 11 API generated from DirectX SDK headers

I have been quite busy since the end of august, personally because I'm proud to announce the birth of my daughter! (and his older brother, is somewhat, asking a lot more attention since ;) ) and also, working hard on an exciting new project based on .NET and Direct3D.

What is it? Yet Another Triangle App? Nope, this is in fact an entirely new .NET API for Direct3D11, DXGI, D3DCompiler that is fully managed without using any mixed assemblies C++/CLI but having similar performance than a true C++/CLI API (like SlimDX). But the main characteristics and most exciting thing about this new wrapper is that the whole code marshal/interop is fully generated from the DirectX SDK headers, including the MSDN documentation.

The current key features and benefits of this approach are:

  • API is generated from DirectX SDK headers : the mapping is able to perform "complex transformation", extracting all relevant information like enumerations, structures, interfaces, functions, macro definitions, guids from the C++ source headers. For example, the mapping process is able to generated properties for interfaces or inner group interface like the one you have in SlimDX : meaning that instead of having a "device.IASetInputLayout" you are able to write "device.InputAssembler.InputLayout = ...".
  • Full support of Direct3D 11, DXGI 1.0/1.1, D3DCompiler API : Due to the whole auto-generated process, the actual coverage is 100%. Although, I have limited the generated code to those library but that could be extended to others API quite easily (like XAudio2, Direct2D, DirectWrite... etc.).
  • Pure managed .NET API : assemblies are compiled with AnyCpu target. You can run your code on a x64 or a x86 machine with the same assemblies. 
  • API Extensibility The generated code is in C#, all the types are marked "partial" and are easily extensible to provide new helpers method. The code generator is able to hide some methods/types internally in order to use them in helper methods and to hide them from the public api.
  • C++/CLI Speed : the framework is using a genuine way to avoid any C++/CLI while still achieving comparable performance.
  • Separate assemblies : a core assembly containing common classes and an assembly for each subgroup API (Direct3D, DXGI, D3DCompiler)
  • Lightweight assemblies : generated assemblies are lightweight, 300Ko in total, 70Ko compressed in an archive (similar assemblies in C++/CLI would be closer to 1Mo, one for each architecture, and depend from MSVCRT10)
  • API naming convention very close to SlimDX API (To make it 100% equals would just require to specify the correct mapping names while generating the code)
  • Raw DirectX object life management : No overhead of ObjectTable or RCW mechanism, the API is using direct native management with classic COM method "Release". Currently, instead of calling Dispose, you should call Release (and call AddRef if you are duplicating references, like in C++). I might evaluate how to safely integrate Dispose method call. 
  • Easily obfuscatable : Due to the fact the framework is not using any mixed assemblies
  • DirectX SDK Documentation integrated in the .NET xml comments : The whole API is also generated with the MSDN documentation. Meaning that you have exactly the same documentation for DirectX and for this API (this is working even for method parameters, remarks, enum items...etc.). Reference to other types inside the documentation are correctly linked to the .NET API. 
  • Prototype for a partial support of the Effects11 API in full managed .NET.
If you have been working with SlimDX, some of the features here could sound familiar and you may wonder why another .DirectX NET API while there is a great project like SlimDX? Before going further in the detail of this wrapper and how things are working in the background, I'm going to explain why this wrapper could be interesting.

I'm also currently not in the position to release it for the reason that I don't want to compete with SlimDX. I want to see if SlimDX Team would be interested to work together with this system, a kind of joint-venture. There are still lots of things to do, improving the mapping, making it more reliable (the whole code here has been written in a urge since one month...) but I strongly believe that this could be a good starting point to SlimDX 2, but I might be wrong... also, SlimDX could think about another road map... So this is a message to the SlimDX Team : Promit, Josh, Mike, I would be glad to hear some comments from you about this wrapper (and if you want, I could send you the generated API so that you could look at it and test it!)

[Updated 30 November 2010]
This wrapper is now available from SharpDX. Check this post.

This post is going to be quite long, so if you are not interested by all the internals, you could jump to the sample code at the end.